Nieuwe alinea

Blog Post

Ninghai 24 dec 2012, Thuis en Recept

  • door DJB
  • 24 dec, 2012

Was ik nog even vergeten!
Achtergrond uit Folder:
’s Ochtends vroeg eten Birmezen mohinga, een dikke vissoep die op smaak gebracht is met citroengras, knoflook, ui, geelwortel, gember, pepers en vissaus. De soep wordt gegeten met dunne rijstnoedels en bestrooid met gefruite uitjes, korianderbladeren en gedroogde peper. Behalve als ontbijt is mohinja ook populair als tussendoortje en verkrijgbaar in de eetstalletjes langs de kant van de weg.

Hieronder treft U het “originele” recept van deze Goddelijke soep door CH/COOK Soe Htet Paing dat ik van hem heb gekregen. Hij heeft er 3 dagen over gedaan om het voor mij op te schrijven. (ik ga er van uit dat het leeuwendeel gekopieerd is uit een Engels kookboek, maar af en toe herken je de hand van deze Meesterkok).

Probeer maar eens te maken, dan kom ik wel keuren of het de goede smaak heeft.

Birmese Soep-expert Dirk

3 pounds catfish or mackerel
½ cup fish sauce
1 tablespoon salt
9 pints water
3 whole dried chilies
1½ teaspoon shrimp paste or 4 inch piece pressed fish
3 tablespoons peanut powder
2 cups minced onion
½ cup minced garlic
½ tablespoon minced gingerroot or ginger powder
3 tablespoons rice flour
4 tablespoons grain flour
1½ cups oil
½ teaspoon turmeric
6 small onions
1 foot length banana stem
1½ teaspoons lemon grass powder
1 large garlic bulb
6 eggs

Small Accompaniments
2 teaspoons chili powder
4 limes
½ pound filleted fish, perch or ngape
½ cup chili powder
2 bunches coriander leaves
24 crisp bean crackers or other crackers
5 pounds fresh or 2 pounds dry rice noodles

Wash fish well. rubbing catfish hard.
Rub with half fish sauce end salt
Boil in 5 pints of water with whole chilies and pressed fish or shrimp paste

Roast and powder the peanuts. Onions, garlic and ginger may be pounded. Toast rice and grain flours in a pan.

When fish is cooked enough to flake off easily, but before it disintegrates, turn heat off. Take off meat and set aside. Pound bones well put back into broth and mix. Strain broth carefully and keep.

Heat 2/3 cup oil. Fry onion, garlic and ginger till fragrant. Mix flaked fish with turmeric freeing it of bones, add to pot and cook well. Add strained broth. Mix rice and gram flours to a paste and add to the broth.

Stir well to prevent sticking of paste. Bring to boil and add 4 pints of water or enough to have desired thickness of gravy. Add remaining fish sauce to taste.

Peel 6 small onions. Remove outer layers of banana stem and cut rings from tender inside. Put all in a pot with lemon grass powder and simmer till onions and banana stems are tender.

For small accompaniments

Hardboil the eggs. Peel large garlic bulb and cut evenly in small slices. Heat ½ cup of oil, fry garlic golden. Drain into small dish and pour all but 3 tablespoons oil over garlic.

Reheat 3 cups of oil in pan and taking it off the fire, fry 2 teaspoons of chili powder to exact redness, strain and keep this red oil. Peel and cut eggs into sixths lengthwise.

Just before serving, put cut eggs and red oil into pot, floating oil on top. Meanwhile keep pot hot and prepare remaining accompaniments.

Pound filleted fish in a lightly oiled mortar and paste in an electric blender removing any bones. When consistency is sticky, mix fish with a little salt and form into flat pellet 2 inches in diameter.

Heat remain in 1/3 cup of oil and fry pellets till brown slice them to 1/8 inch thickness.

If dry rice noodles are used put them in fast-boiling water. When done drain run cold water through and keep cold.

Cut lime wedges. Chop coriander finely. Pan roast ½ cup of chili powder. Crisp bean- or other crackers are usually bought separately to accompany.

Dish rice noodles onto a long serving platter. Put very hoy curry in a big tureen, fish slices on a salad plate, and crackers in a long dish.

Place coriander and lime on small plates and chili powder and extra sauce in small dishes.

Serve in large soup dishes, putting in ½ cup noodles with 1 cup of curry on top including preferred accompaniments to taste. The crackers are either broken in small pieces and mixed in or eaten on

Nageniet Dirk
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